Monday, September 15, 2008

From Tia-Nicole

"I am here in South Africa completing my field research for my Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology. Broadly speaking, my research questions seek to examine how the ideas, orientations and suggested behaviors of HIV/AIDS health campaigns are assimilated by youth in the social and cultural contexts of local communities. Are there competing demands or perspectives presented by traditional and/or familial practices aimed at the sexuality education of youth?

I have situated this project in the province of KZN because of the rates of HIV infection, the predominance of traditional authority structures and NGO's working to address HIV prevention, treatment and care. I have been focusing more specifically on the interventions of loveLife and the revival of virginity testing. The interviews and focus groups I've conducted have explored young peoples motivations for participating in either intervention, ideas about health, sexuality, sexual behavior and sexual decision making. But as you can imagine, conversations have shifted in interesting ways to also explore definitions of 'tradition' and 'modernity'; gender and cultural rights; democracy and citizenship.

While the focus of my dissertation will be on the above interventions I am interested in your program because it too focuses on youth, is situated here in KZN and seems to present an alternative model to LoveLife. I would like primarily to observe the upcoming training particularly since I'm coming to the table late, but also because I am attempting to learn as much as I can about the kinds of programs and interventions developing here in South Africa.

In addition to my academic background and training, I have worked in the field of HIV/AIDS since the early 1990's. I am currently employed by the University of California,San Francisco School of Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control overseeing, a program aimed at integrating HIV prevention messages into Prenatal Care Services throughout the state of California. Thus I think there is opportunity for the mutual exchange of ideas and expertise.

The work of Create Africa South is impressive and I am excited to learn more!"

Tia-Nicole, USA, 14 August, 2008

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